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The Thread of Remembrance (2022)

When the present moment is caught between sharpness and degeneration, a young woman and her grandmother attempt to keep alive the legacy of memory through the poignancy of remembrance

About the movie

Graduation project on Memory and Alzheimer's, in an inter-generational relationship between a grandmother and her granddaughter.

Animation of the characters in 3D under Maya, the characters being provided on, and the knitting rig developed by the director herself. Animation exported via Alembic Cache for rendering in Unreal Engine with Kaos-VR's environment.

Mentored by Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre,

Music by Benoît Gagnon

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Winner of the Coup de coeur du jury at the GALA BASA 2022 organized by Laval University.
Also nominated for Best Screenplay , and Best 3D Visual Effects


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Stills from the film

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